Saturday, October 04, 2008


CAP5 Technology Solutions Post 6 Customers stories explaining how they made it through Hurricane IKE with little or no service interruption.

The CAP5 Datacenter had 100% uptime with no loss to power or internet connectivity.

CLICK HERE to read the recently posted stories.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Silver Sponsor for NSTA Mayorial Luncheon

CAP5 will be the Silver Sponsor October 6th 2008 @ 10 AM at the National Space and Technology Association (NSTA) Luncheon. The distinguished Mayor Bill White will deliver Houston's State-of-the-City Technology Report. Find out more information at

NOTE: CAP5 is an NSTA annual sponsor and has been a proud member for over 2 years. NSTA monthly breakfasts, lunches, dinners and mixers are where the Houston Technology community gets together to learns more about of what is going on in the Houston Metro area.