Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Backups Don't Matter As Much As Recoveries!

Just a quick post today but it's an important one. 

I asked a gentleman the other day, "what is most important to you about your backup solution?" His reply, "that I can recover my data in the event of a hardware loss."


Here are some other questions you should further ask yourself:
  • Are you able to restore the data that you have been backing up? 
  • Are you testing to insure that the data is making it to the backup media?
  • Is the backed up data good for long periodds of time and does it remain on the media you use to back up your data?
  • If you loose your hardware that you are backing up or it is destroyed, what is your contingency for having additional hardware to restore the data that you have backed up on? 
These are just a few questions.  When CAP5 does an analysis for a customer in regards to a backup solution, we asks many question more along the lines of  "how will you get your business back up and running in the event of any type of failure! 

Food for thought!

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