Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Technology News That Lance Finds of Interest


Opera Mini for Smart Phones Just Got Better
LANCE'S COMMENT: I don't like the standard web browser that is on my Samsung phone and tablet so I use Opera.  You can find it for free on the Android Market

Video Chat on Your Droid!
LANCE'S COMMENT: I mostly use Tango but I am trying this one out

Build an App and Build a Business! The Geeks Guide to the Droid Application Galaxy
LANCE'S COMMENT: A lot of developer don't know where to start.  I have never done it myself, but if I did, I'd start here!

A Place to Learn Google Places
LANCE'S COMMENT: Really cool way to learn the basics if you are scared you might muck something up on your Android Smart Phone.

Can't Afford an EVO... Win One at Sprint! Mark the Date - June 13th, 2011!
LANCE'S COMMENTS: I'm a Samsung nut (wife is Korean so feeding the Korean economy for when I retire... someday.)  My second choice, and I've owned one, is the HTC EVO.  Win it for free!

Is Mac OS Really Secure? Read On!
LANCE'S COMMENT:  I really hope that I get through to some of you Mac users.  I don't own a Mac (but I did) and I really, really, really want to convince you to protect it.  Even Apple doesn't use the word "never" when describing being vulnerable... They certainly leave room for the possibility, and although the possibilities are far less, "you still need protection!"


Anonymous said...

Woww!! all lovely application are provided by your post... nice post and thanks for all this apps.. very usefull for me..
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CMIT Solutions of Houston said...

I am glad you found this of interest. This is something KEWL that I found over lunch as an alternative to using the standard Windows Desktop. Now I haven't tested this so proceed at your own risk... I'm goin g to play with it on my tester desktop before truly "qualifying it" as a viable efficient desktop replacement.


Happy Computing!
