Sunday, April 15, 2012

Considering the Cloud? - Overview

On the Houston Business Executives "Executive Hour" Radio show on Houston's 1070 AM, Lance Griffith, CEO of CAP5, discusses with the show host, R.D. Yoder, Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud Computing to help the general business audience understand all the buzz-words flying around and whether or not it's worth considering one over the other for their IT Infrastructure.

Now it's time to consider a Private cloud...

In an article on CAP5's PAPER.LI Site april 15th, 2012, called 7 Things to Consider before Building a Private Cloud, the author RWW talks about the below 7 points.  I am going to expound on these 7 Points over the next 7 post and talk about knowledge and experiences CAP5 has regarding each of these points with our client's Privae Clouds that CAP5 hasbuilt for them. 

Here are RWW's "7 Things to Consider Before Building a Private Cloud":

  1. Workload and Infrastructure Interaction
  2. Security
  3. Latency
  4. User Experience
  5. Cost
  6. Automation
  7. Cloud Enablement
Please refer to the Article by RWW when reading the series "Considering the Cloud" over the next few articles